6. Conclusions
The review of the above significant parameters and attributes gives us a good impression on the overall potential, prospects and efficacy of aluminum alloy as a befitting and competitive substitute to conventional steel for producing environment friendly, reliable and affordable automobiles. We understand that with increasingly stringent vehicle emission and fuel efficiency regulations and concepts like the 1 Liter cars (mini cars) and other alternative NZEVs (Near Zero Emissions Vehicles, EPA) coming up, aluminum is an inevitable choice. It is important to note that even after having the qualities to surpass steel on all possible fronts; aluminum could only make very limited headway (only 8-10% use) into the automotive industry at present and a projected 12-20% rate of use in future. This is substantially lower compared to the 80% and above rate of use for steel and this situation demands immediate efforts from the vehicle manufacturers, aluminum producers and suppliers and other stakeholders. Nevertheless, we are now confident that this present status of aluminum in the automotive sector is destined to change for the better in the coming years and it is possible that a complete role reversal between steel and aluminum, at least in the automobile sector will occur in the not too distant future.
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