如何提升你的analytical writing写作能力?

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有这么一句话,我特别喜欢:  If you have task leave tothe last minute, then you one sure can atone minute inside finish task.在我一个半月准备GRE的时间里面,作为一个英语底子并不算好的学生,心中无数次的怀疑加害怕,只有这句话一直在鼓励着我不断前进,不要放弃,坚持就好。好,接下来开始正文:AW的英文全写是analyticalwriting, 在AW中,比较容易较快提高的是我们的analytical 能力,就是我们的逻辑分析能力。 writing是需要长久练习,长久积累才能提高的,短期内渴望在writing上提高势必造成文体不自然,不够native,写作追求行文流水,不套话不废话,富含信息量。

先把analytical 和 writing仔细分析一下

analytical: 逻辑分析,GRE考试最突出的特别就是逻辑明显,我们母语中文虽然语法比较零乱,但是我们的中文逻辑能力是非常强的,认真独立分析几个题目就会有长足的进步。

writing: 我对自己有以下要求:

1.ETS的官方要求standard writing English 写作中出现的词汇都是正规标准的写作词汇,而非口语词汇。

2.native  这个就是要求写作的句子不是一味的追求复杂难句,而是NATIVE,这样做的目的,是为了让考官看着舒服,让文章显得像native-speaker写出来的。

如何获得native的语言?两大法宝 google and Wikipedia

3.富含信息量,信息量就是指句子中是自己对文章的诠释,而不是套话,这点要求在特别是在套用新东方的模板的时候,有些模板就是套话,不含信息量,因此可以套在任何一篇文章中,是万能句子,比如:the study reports cited in reasoning abovemust show to be reliable and trustworthy before I can accept anyconclusion the author reaches based upon it .

接下来开始从argument 和 issue来分析题目,以及如何适应写作要求。Argument要对常见的逻辑错误类型要熟悉,这里不挨个列举,新东方的书到处都可以看得到。



7) The following is a recommendation from the Board of Directors ofMonarch Books.We recommend that Monarch Books open a café in its store. Monarch, havingbeen in business at the same location for more than twenty years, has a largecustomer base because it is known for its wide selection of books on allsubjects. Clearly, opening the café would attract more customers. Space couldbe made for the café by discontinuing the children's book section, which willprobably become less popular given that the most recent national censusindicated a significant decline in the percentage of the population under ageten. Opening a café will allow Monarch to attract more customers and bettercompete with Regal Books, which recently opened its own café.

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to beanswered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have thepredicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions wouldhelp to evaluate the recommendation.


1)作者认为在Monarch 开一家café 会吸引更多的顾客并且和Regal Books竞争。

2)Opening a café, 商业问题一定要考虑到cost, profit, revenue 这些问题。直接cost就是把少儿区改装成咖啡区的装修花费,间接cost是失去的少儿区。

3)撤销少儿区的原因是the most recent national census indicated a significant decline in thepercentage of the population under age ten.

4)Regal books 和 Monarch 是否comparable




1P,指出census 的问题。 National范围和Monarch 所在地区的差异,而且给的是percentage,不知道exact number,这一点比较常见,在逻辑单题中也有,percentage  number 和 exactnumber 永远是两个矛盾的。总之要拉大差异性

2p,作者简单认为openinga café would attract more customers ,


b.一家书店是否有能力运营一个café? 是否有相应的管理经验relevant management experience? Staff?

3p,即使MONARCH所在地区的少儿的确少了,而且开一个CAFé的确会吸引更多的顾客。但是,来喝咖啡的顾客是否有买书的欲望?是否转化为销售额的提升?Monarch 和 Regal Books 是否可比? Regal Books 是否通过开咖啡的手段取得了营利?

末段: 说明这个建议是不可行的,需要更多的evidenceto better evaluate the recommendation.

最后来看写作要求:写作要求的重点是discusswhat questions,如何利用这些问题更好的评价这条建议。


1P Does any difference exist between the placewhere the census took place and the district where Monarchy located

2P Does the author think about thepotential negative effects after the opening cafe?how could the Monarch Books to run a cafewithout a experience of relevant management?

3P Are the Monarch Books comparable to theRegal Books? And, does the Regal Books successfully gain their profit byopening a cafe?


