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Disabled children want to be respected and listened to and to be able to play with friends, to feel safe and be comfortable. Some other potential barriers were that children faced were feelings of segregation has they would be left out of day to day activities. Some people take for granted that having a disability would prevent the children from having fun thus resulting in isolation. Some families also reported that they did not know where and how to get help and the other barriers they face were actually persuading someone that help was needed. Their Families also found that the provisions they were finally provided with was too little and too late to make the best possible improvement to the quality of their everyday life. For the disabled child parents they found that they miss out on full entitlements to benefits because some services tended not pass on the proper information needed. Some other potential barriers families have faced were the very long waiting list for intervention, equipment and adaption's which meant the loss of integration for children and their needs. Families with disabled children have a real struggle with finding the right services and information to suit their child's needs and when they do finally get the right sort of help they always have to repeat their painful stories to different members of staff. Some services tend to work towards their own priorities rather than what best for the child, this is a particular issue in the transition from childhood to adulthood where they need to consider options of accommodation and employment depending on the person individual needs. Families also found it harder to contribute to everyday life in ways where non-disabled families took for granted. At worst, this can result in social exclusion for all the family. restricted access, service gaps or bullying culture put pressure on the whole family. For many children and families there tends to be at least one outstanding member of staff that will give the family support, empathy and expertise. Having such expertise has given the families of disable children the support required which have helped make a difference in a small way. Other staffs as demonstrated a child- centred approach and motivation to work beyond their strictly defined role.
