
7 年前 286次浏览 加拿大萨斯喀彻温论文代写:商业伙伴关系已关闭评论



As with any business partnership between an U.S. corporation and a Latin American corporation, universities that partner to offer academic programs must consider the financial and operational aspects of such partnerships. This paper deals with international partnerships between universities as laboratories for collaboration between businesses. The elements that make for a successful joint venture go beyond the academic issues of content and how that content is delivered to students.This paper deals with the business and inter-university relationships in developing and implementing joint or collaborative degree programs between universities. It does not deal with traditional exchange programs or dual degree programs where one of the universities is the dominant institution at which the students actually earn the degree.; rather the collaboration here deals with the joint development and offering of curriculum by the institutions as equal partners that leads to the awarding of a joint or collaborative degree.

