
8 年前 563次浏览 加拿大经济学论文代写:友谊作用已关闭评论

在这篇文章中,友谊对认知发展的积极作用,提出了两种理论方法。首先是从皮亚杰的观点。doise &缪格尼(1971)和佩雷克莱蒙(1984),指出“同行一起工作的一个共同问题的互动让他们解决他们之间的角度差异,提高每个孩子的认知理解(无论是通过认知冲突、标记或其他社会进程)”。此外,皮亚杰断言,1932“互动假设发生在合作关系。总之,基于上述,我们可以得出结论,不同的学生有不同的想法和意见,所以,当这一切发生的时候,他们会一起讨论他们之间的。例如,他们可能会问这样的问题:“为什么你要陈述这个想法?”和“这个想法是如何相关的任务?”因此,这种冲突将有助于他们提高他们的认知水平。 第二种理论来自维果茨基。据卡尼克(2005),维果茨基认为,“人际关系的新的知识和技能的发展是必要的,而且是高质量的关系(整合,信任和支持的观点),提供认知增强的“脚手架”。简言之,质量关系是认知增强的主要支撑。


In this article, the positive effects of friendship on cognitive development are presented by two theoretical approaches. First is from Piagetian perspective. Doise & Mugny (1971) and Perret-Clermont (1984), stated that "the mutuality of peers working together on a common problem allows them to resolve differences between their perspectives, which enhances the cognitive understanding of each child (whether through cognitive conflict, marking or other social processes)." In addition, Piaget, 1932 asserted that "mutuality is assumed to take place in cooperative relationships." In short, based on above, we can conclude that different students have different ideas and opinions, so when this happened, they will discuss it together among themselves. For example, they may ask questions like "why you state the idea?" and "how this idea is related to the task?" Thus, this conflict will help them to improve their cognitive level.The second theory is from Vygotsky. According to Kutnick (2005), Vygotsky accepted that "interpersonal relationships are necessary for the development of new knowledge and skills, and that it is quality relationships (that integrate perspectives with trust and support) that provide the 'scaffold' for cognitive enhancement". Briefly, quality relationship is the main support for cognitive enhancement.

