加拿大Argumentative Essay写作指南和高分句型

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什么是Argumentative Essay?-议论文。Argumentative Essay是英国留学论文类型之一,以自己认同的观点支撑整体框架,寻找证据和材料支撑这个观点,然后去说服他人认同你的观点。这并不是简单地对于论点论据的罗列,而是你需要在十分了解论文的内容基础之上,运用大量事实内容对你的观点和看法进行论证。

与撰写其他论文类似,撰写argumentative essay是一个由几个步骤组成的过程。 个人的写作风格可能会有所不同,但是写作过程通常包括以下步骤(顺序相同):



*Outlining and Drafting



---Argumentative Essay结构---

The Toulmin model 最常用的议论文结构

1.Make a claim 观点

2.Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim证据

3.Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim)解释

4.Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives思考你论点的限制

The Rogerian model 呈现对于某个topic一个这种的观点。


1.Discuss what the opposing position gets right and why people might hold this position 敌方观点

2.Highlight the problems with this position敌方观点存在的问题

3.Present your own position, showing how it addresses these problems你的观点怎么解决这些问题

4.Suggest a possible compromise—what elements of your position would proponents of the opposing position benefit from adopting?思考讨论出一个折中的方案



*Hook+background+Thesis statement


*Summary+Stress arguement+Remention model

---Argumentative Essay高分句型---


Some experts believe that it is better for …to …

Do the advantage of this outweigh the disadvantages?


The first reason is that…As …Studies have been done which support this and show …However…


In conclusion…it is certainly beneficial for…

To conclude…

To sum up…

In summary…

To summarise…

Based on these reasons it is clear that…

Argumentative Essay并不简单的狡辩/争吵,而是需要你在大量理论基础上,学会利用辩证性思维看待问题,因此大家在学术写作中要客观对待任何观点和评价。

