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Assignment写作技巧 Assignment写作“否定”用法完全指南

留学生在完成assignment时,常常需要用到各种否定的表达,很多同学由于词汇匮乏,谈到否定,就想到no, not 这类词。但是实际上,还有很多种方法可以表达否定的意思。有时候仅仅只是文字的不同,就可以让一个简单句变成一个让人欲罢不能的高级句型。




no,not,never,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere,neither,nor,neither…nor,but,without,unless,but for,but that,hardly,scarcely,barely,little,few,seldom, in the absence of,regardless of, instead of,exclusive of,short of,rather than,anything but,any more than,out of the question,would no more…than



Hardly can I read the original without a dictionary.


too…to…, before, only that, other than, would rather (sooner)…than…, had rather (sooner)…than…, prefer…rather than (to ) …, would as soon…as…, let alone…




avoid,ban,call off,cancel,deny,deprive,exclude,escape,evade,forbid,free…from,free from/of,fail,hate,ignore,lack,lose,miss,naught,neglect, prohibit,quit,refuse,rid,rule out,stop,prevent,keep,hinder,protect,save,dissuade 等


They are new to the work. 他们不熟悉这一工作。

The lake is free of ice even is winter. 就是冬天这个湖也不结冰。

That was a poor (thin) argument. 那个论点站不住脚。

Most students were absent from school at least once. 至少大部分学生有一次缺课。

The president resigned and the post was left vacant. 主席辞职后,职位一直空缺。

Children are left unattended in the countryside with their parents working in central cities. 父母在城里打工,农村的留守儿童无人照顾。

We all know he is strange to compliment of any kind. 我们都知道他任何恭维话都不爱听。

He thought he had got a mortal illness. 他曾以为自己得了不治之症。

The new teacher really had an open mind. 新来的老师确实没有偏见。

The road is now clear of snow. 路上现在已经没有积雪了。

She apparently thought otherwise. 她显然有不同的想法。

The office is the last place to find him in. 你绝不会在办公室找到他。



out of:




  1. The basic right of animals should not be ignored.

The basic right of animals should be valued/ protected.

  1. The protection of animal rights is of paramount importance.

Many scientists fail to respect the basic right of animals.

  1. Animals should never be experimented upon whatever the potential gain for humanity.

Never should animals be experimented upon whatever the potential gain for humanity.

  1. Animal testing should be strictly banned for whatever the potential gain for humanity.

Animals should be free of the cruelty scientists expose them to because they have just as much sentient as humans do.

  1. Millions of animals should be saved before it’s too late.

Without experiments on living animals, scientists cannot find effective treatment to some diseases like cancer and ADIS.

  1. Without experiments on living animals, hardly can scientists find effective treatment to some diseases like cancer and ADIS.

Without experiments on living animals, scientists may have difficulties in finding effective treatment to some diseases like cancer and ADIS.

Without experiments on living animals, scientists may struggle to find effective treatment to some diseases like cancer and ADIS.

