加拿大心理学论文代写 音乐实验

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最初计划有10名受试者参与实验,但在整个实验过程中只有4名受试者始终自愿参加。对于那些参与的人,实验方法是遵循的。对测试结果进行审查,并对每个参与者的得分进行平均。受试者1.1没有听任何东西感觉更好,受试者1.2没有听任何东西感觉更好,受试者2.1没有听重金属感觉更好,受试者2.2没有听重金属感觉更好。最初的预期是,听古典音乐的受试者会表现得更好,因为有研究报告称,听古典音乐有助于记忆信息(Mac, Takelessons)。基于这些测试对象的假设是不正确的。结果可能受到参与者数量和个人偏好的限制。18岁以下的年轻一组比18岁以上的一组记忆能力更强。没有任何一种特定的声音被发现对任何特定的测试或人都是有益的。据观察,在一些测试中(数字、单词、图片、面孔),不同的声音似乎显示出积极的结果。

加拿大心理学论文代写 音乐实验

Originally 10 subjects were planned to participate in the experiment but only 4 subjects consistently volunteered over the course of the experiment. For those that participated, the experimental method was followed. The test results were reviewed and for each participant, the score was averaged. Subject 1.1 did better listening to nothing, Subject 1.2 on did better listening to nothing, Subject 2.1 on did better listening to heavy metal and Subject 2.2 on did better listening to heavy metal. There was initially an expectation that the test subjects would do better while listening to classical music because of the studies that have reported listening to classical music helps to retain information (Mac, Takelessons). The hypothesis was incorrect based on these test subjects. The results may have been impacted by the limited number of participants and personal preferences. The group of younger test subjects, under 18, were able to remember more than the group over 18. No one specific sound was found to be consistently beneficial for any particular test or person. It was observed that for some tests (numbers, words, pictures, faces) different sounds appeared to show a positive result.

