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This research aimed to evaluate the content of module for senior high school. The type evaluation on this research is post-use evaluation since the evaluation conduct after the book was used by the students. The research was focused on the content of the book in order to meet the criteria of good teaching resources by measuring the strength and weakness. Therefore, it is classified as case study research category. Case study is a research method which is done towards a system; it can be program, activity, and event. Case study is aimed to get a data, take a conclusion, and get an understanding from the data itself (Sukmadinata-2012). A case study may be understood as the intensive study of a single case where the purpose of that study is to shed light on a larger class of classes or a population (Gerring-2006). Moreover, it was not aimed to get the conclusion from the population. The conclusion from case study is simply from the case that the researcher taken to heart. There are some technique in collecting the data on case study research such as interview, observation, and documentary study. Those are the technique to collect the data and to get the conclusion.

