
8 年前 292次浏览 加拿大信息科技代写论文:通识教育课堂已关闭评论

一些学生可能更喜欢在通识教育课堂,撤军计划,或两者兼而有之,这学生与学生之间的变化。残疾学生相信撤军类更多的学习和包容类更好的交朋友。然而,少数学生认为撤军计划允许他们以满足他人从不同的类,甚至与它们进行交互(克林格,et al .,1998)。撤军计划的学者更集中在学生需要更多的援助。然而,撤军计划还允许学生小组内与他人互动,让学生认识更多的人。撤军计划允许学生可能会欺负自己的通识教育课程,休息一下。 最终受益的学生在撤军计划可能包括获得自尊高于在包含类的学生。残疾学生可能已经自卑由于他们的残疾,但是他们可能获得信心在被放置在撤军计划。放置在包含教室的自尊心低于学生在不同的教室,因为这些类包括残疾学生,这些学生可以在同一能力之间的关系和工作水平(丹尼尔,善良,1997)。残疾学生,整天在包含类,可能有较低的自尊,因为他们没有残疾学生。如果有一位残疾学生在撤军计划,他或她的自尊心可能会增加与学生的环境之后,他们可以与学术水平。撤军计划还可以教学生自尊较低的策略来提高他们的自尊。


Some students may prefer being in general education classroom, pullout programs, or both; this changes from student to student. Students with disabilities believe that pullout classes are more for learning and that inclusion classes are better for making friends. However, a few students believe that pullout programs allowed them to meet others from different classes and even interact with them (Klinger, et al., 1998). Pullout programs are more centered on the academics for students who do need more assistance. However, pullout programs also allow students to interact with others within the small group, allowing the students to meet more people. Pullout programs allow students who might be bullied in their general education classes to have a break from it.A final benefit from students who are in pullout programs might include gaining a higher self-esteem than students who are in inclusion classes. Students with disabilities may already have low self-esteem due to their disability, but they may gain confidence after being placed in pullout programs. Students placed in inclusion classrooms have lower self-esteems than students in separate classrooms because these classes include students with disabilities, which allows these students to relate to each other and work at the same ability level (Daniel, Kind, 1997). Students with disabilities, who are in inclusion classes all day, may have lower self-esteem because they don't have students with disabilities. If a student with a disability is in a pullout program, his or her self-esteem may increase after being in an environment with students who they can relate to on an academic level. Pullout programs can also teach students with low self-esteem strategies to increase their self-esteem.

